Prayer Circle of Success

We all know that success is not an accident. It all takes a lot of work and determination to get there. This means that you need to have the right people, the right resources, and the right mindset in order to create it.

For the sake of this communication, I want to focus on the resource of prayer… a topic that many business owners don’t speak on openly, but it is powerful and a necessary resource.  Let’s talk about it… shall we?


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What is a Business Prayer Circle

In my devotional time with God, I was reading up on Zechariah - John the Baptist’s father - and how, while he was on assignment; in ministry; serving, there was a large group of people outside of the Temple vigilant in prayer. They helped usher in and facilitated a holy moment in his life and experience. Applying this example to everyday life encouraged me to take a closer look at who was in my circle.

Ministry in short is defined as “to be of service” or “to serve” and I believe that all of life can be lived as service, including our business lives.

In my opinion, business is a ministry where business owners are able to activate their spiritual gifts outside of the institutional church. With that being said, I also believe that business is an effective tool for serving others, from macro-level serving society to micro-level serving an individual client, customer, or work colleague.


The Benefits of Having a Business Prayer Circle

While you are serving, you need a concerned core of people outside those events, venues, or whatever place you carry out your duties, lifting you up and keeping you covered in the task.

The prayers of others are like an incubator and heartfelt intercessions form a cocoon where you are protected from the temptations, distractions, and deceptions and can maintain your focus.

Each of us needs faithful, watchful, servant-hearted care of brothers and sisters - friends or strangers - who can support us in prayer while we invest ourselves in the projects that go along with the assignments in the current seasons of life. Prayers for safety, effectiveness, usefulness, and openness in all the activities we undertake to fulfill that assignment.

Modern times have elevated and promoted self-reliance as a primary virtue. In reality, however, we are stronger together.


How to Create an Effective Prayer Circle for Your Business

A faith-led CEO can and should start initiatives recognizing God as the owner of the business. Although creating a prayer circle can be simple on the surface, it requires some planning to hold each other accountable. It also acts as a show of your investment in supporting the protection of each other’s business foundations. Consider these six steps:

  1. Create a list of 2-4 initial impact participants. In business, there is always an opportunity where a close relationship has been developed with at least one other person. They may also have an interest in finding a support group like this one. Send them a quick text or email. You’d never know until you ask.

  2. Pick a day, time, and location where your prayer impact team can meet each week. This creates accountability, however, this is a personal opinion. There are a good number of business owners that stand on the concept that “If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening.” Incorporate it into the workings of your business day.

  3. Identify a leader. This is someone who will help take responsibility for the prayer circle. With small businesses, this often starts with the owner. The prayer circle can be more successful if you find a leader to champion the initiative, just as you would with other projects and tasks within the business. Once a leader has been identified collectively, spend a few days in prayer, asking God to confirm the selection.

  4. Consider a prayer tracking list. This could be a spreadsheet created to record prayer needs and answers. This will ensure that the prayer requests are known if someone could not be in attendance.

  5. Announce the idea for the new circle (optional). You can proactively widen your business prayer circle by sending a flyer or email to your email and/or client list, informing them that you have developed this.  Most of our customers or clients, especially those in the online community, own businesses themselves. 

  6. Be involved. Being a CEO or business owner is a busy role or responsibility within itself, but the importance of this prayer circle can make a difference in the lives of those around you. Therefore, it is imperative that you make this a top priority.

A prayer circle might just become one of the most essential circles in your business and life. There is nothing that has more significance than communicating with the owner of all businesses: GOD. He is the one who created each one of you, the customer, the client, or the person who will interact with the business each day.

Who’s “outside” praying for you today while you’re in here?
— Priscilla Shirer